Company profile

BB Railadvies BV is the ideal partner for all your rail engineering needs. Our focus on solutions and our transparent working practices will unquestionably translate into advantages for your company. This result-driven vision and robust workflow are the basic components of successful cooperation.

BB Railadvies BV is strong in:

  • conducting outdoor track surveys and process it into specifications and/or D&C projects;
  • supervising contractors during work in progress;
  • producing quality plans, with attention to practicable and easily verifiable quality documents, with an emphasis on the product and how it is perceived;
  • strengthening your team during peak workloads and enabling various specialists to collaborate with each other;
  • ecord the overhaul and make a final report. Experience shows that this is often a stumbling block in the delivery of different types of work;
  • calculating and estimating the costs of work;
  • running, overseeing and carrying out projects;
  • making sure tracks are safe for train movements, including the writing of plans.

Thanks to its professional network, BB Railadvies BV is able to partner with you (also for work subject to Safe Working Practices) in:

  • ballast studies;
  • cable and pipe studies;
  • underground obstacle studies;
  • track surveying;
  • monitoring of tracks, including control measurements;
  • performance of minor maintenance, including reports.